Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Prayer for Grace: Open us completely to receive your love
Loving God, at the end of this day, surround us with your light, and penetrate the very depths of our being with that light. Let there remain no areas of darkness in us, our families or our school. Open us completely to receive your love. Thank you for being our family and school community healer. Amen.
Prayer for Guidance: Let us walk more readily in Your ways
Loving God, You are our source of life. We reach out with joy to grasp Your hand. Let us walk more readily in Your ways. Guide us in Your gentle mercy. Amen.
Prayer for Guidance: Without You We can do Nothing
Loving God, without You we can do nothing. By Your Spirit help us to know what is right and be eager in doing Your will. Teach us to find new life through penance. Keep us from sin and help us live by Your commandment of love. Amen.
Prayer for Holiness: Breathe in us that our thoughts may all be holy
Loving God, breathe in us that our thoughts may all be holy. Strengthen us to defend all that is holy. Guard us that we may always be holy. Amen.